Those of you who read this blog regularly will know that back in 2019 I wrote about a fermentation temperature controller called MyBrewbot. The plan was to trial it over an extended period and blog about it but things, mostly covid related got in the way. I’ve been using the 2FV version for a couple of years now with plenty of success but at the back end of the last year the new User Interface came out and I could actually use it on all four of my fermenters which was great news.

It took me a bit to get my head around the UI, not because they are unnecessarily complex but more that I was reading the previous manual which isn’t the cleverest thing I’ve ever done. The up to date manual is here if you want to have a look further.

I particularly like that we can name the fermenters – hardly functional but way more fun than numbering them. I’ve also recently received a TILT hydrometer to play with. Having said in my previous blog that I wasn’t particularly keen to be putting foreign bodies in fermenters I thought I’d give one try mostly because I wanted to see how well it worked. I can’t tell you the answer to that just yet because I’ve not used it in a brew but I will update the blog when I have.
However it’s already saved me from one brew going down the drain as it alerted me to a power cut in the brewhouse during the early part of fermentation.
I’ve not used the functionality myself but there is also the facility to, via a relay, control a hot liquor tank and MyBrewbot integrates with both Brewers Friend and Brewfather brewing software.
I think, for the money, it’s a great piece of software. Commercial breweries would want to invest in cable trunking and waterproof boxes but you’d still struggle to get a better control system for four fermenters for around the £100 mark.